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CMPA- Canadian Media Production Associations – BC Producers Branch

CMPA-BC represents over 150 independent production companies based in British Columbia

The branch has four key operational priorities: government relations, industrial relations, export and industry development. CMPA-BC has its own eight-member branch council and operating by-laws, which adhere to the regulations and direction of the CMPA national organization.

Like the national organization, CMPA-BC promotes its members interests. Here’s how:

  • We negotiate labour agreements with BC guilds and unions to establish rates of pay, hours of work and other conditions of employment.
  • We advocate for BC’s film, television and digital media sector with all levels of government.
  • We hold conferences, seminars and workshops that help build the capacity of BC-based companies.
  • We organize export development initiatives that take member producers to global markets to meet production and financing partners.
  • We liaise, recommend and consult to and with the CMPA national organization on all issues that affect our members.